../../_images/badge-colab.svg ../../_images/badge-github-custom.svg

Collaboration Patterns By Year (International, Domestic, Internal)

Using the count capability of the API, Dimensions allows you to quickly identify international, domestic, and inernal Collaboration

This notebook shows how to quickly identify international, domestic, and internal collaboration using the Organizations data source and the Publications data source available via the Dimensions Analytics API.

import datetime
print("==\nCHANGELOG\nThis notebook was last run on %s\n==" % datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
This notebook was last run on Jan 25, 2022


This notebook assumes you have installed the Dimcli library and are familiar with the ‘Getting Started’ tutorial.

!pip install dimcli plotly -U --quiet

# load libraries
import dimcli
from dimcli.utils import *

import json, sys, time
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px  # plotly>=4.8.1
if not 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  # make js dependecies local / needed by html exports
  from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode

print("==\nLogging in..")
# https://digital-science.github.io/dimcli/getting-started.html#authentication
ENDPOINT = "https://app.dimensions.ai"
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import getpass
  KEY = getpass.getpass(prompt='API Key: ')
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
  KEY = ""
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
dsl = dimcli.Dsl()
Searching config file credentials for 'https://app.dimensions.ai' endpoint..
Logging in..
Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (v0.9.6)
Connected to: <https://app.dimensions.ai/api/dsl> - DSL v2.0
Method: dsl.ini file

1. Lookup the University that you are interested in

search organizations for "melbourne" return organizations
Returned Organizations: 16 (total = 16)
Time: 0.57s
city_name country_name id latitude linkout longitude name state_name types acronym
0 Melbourne Australia grid.511296.8 -37.797960 [https://www.melbournegenomics.org.au/] 144.953870 Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance Victoria [Nonprofit] NaN
1 Barcelona Spain grid.493437.e 41.402576 [https://www.rmit.eu] 2.194333 RMIT Europe NaN [Education] RMIT
2 Carlton Australia grid.490309.7 -37.803123 [https://www.mshc.org.au/] 144.963840 Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Victoria [Healthcare] MSHC
3 Richmond Australia grid.477970.a -37.815063 [http://www.themelbourneclinic.com.au/] 144.999650 Melbourne Clinic Victoria [Healthcare] NaN
4 Melbourne Australia grid.469061.c -37.783780 [https://www.ridley.edu.au/] 144.957660 Ridley College Victoria [Education] NaN
5 Melbourne Australia grid.469026.f -37.859700 [http://www.mst.edu.au/] 145.209410 Melbourne School of Theology Victoria [Education] MBI
6 Melbourne Australia grid.468079.4 -37.824028 [http://www.portofmelbourne.com/] 144.907070 Port of Melbourne Corporation Victoria [Government] PoMC
7 Melbourne Australia grid.468069.5 -37.814007 [http://www.melbournewater.com.au/Pages/home.a... 144.946700 Melbourne Water Victoria [Government] NaN
8 Melbourne Australia grid.452643.2 -37.799847 [https://www.vlsci.org.au/] 144.964460 Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative Victoria [Education] NaN
9 Melbourne Australia grid.449135.e NaN NaN NaN Melbourne Free University Victoria [Education] NaN
10 Melbourne Australia grid.440113.3 -37.799260 [https://www.dhsv.org.au] 144.964630 Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne Victoria [Healthcare] RDHM
11 Melbourne Australia grid.429299.d -37.798940 [http://www.mh.org.au/] 144.955930 Melbourne Health Victoria [Healthcare] NaN
12 Melbourne Australia grid.416153.4 -37.798756 [http://www.rmh.mh.org.au/] 144.955930 Royal Melbourne Hospital Victoria [Healthcare] RMH
13 Clayton Australia grid.410660.5 -37.915775 [http://nanomelbourne.com/] 145.143660 Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication Victoria [Facility] MCN
14 Melbourne Australia grid.1017.7 -37.806747 [https://www.rmit.edu.au/] 144.962570 RMIT University Victoria [Education] RMIT
15 Melbourne Australia grid.1008.9 -37.797115 [http://www.unimelb.edu.au/] 144.959980 University of Melbourne Victoria [Education] NaN
institution = "grid.1008.9"

2. Publications output by year

allpubs = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
        return year


allpubs.columns = ['pubs', 'year']
px.bar(allpubs, x="year", y="pubs")
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.57s

3. International publications

international = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_org_countries) > 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


international.columns = ['international_count','year']
px.bar(international, x="year", y="international_count")
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.64s

4. Domestic

domestic = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_org_countries) = 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


domestic.columns = ['domestic_count', 'year']
px.bar(domestic, x="year", y="domestic_count")
Returned Year: 12
Time: 5.68s

5. Internal

internal = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_orgs) = 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


internal.columns = [ 'internal_count', 'year']
px.bar(internal, x="year", y="internal_count")
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.56s

6. Joining up All metrics together

jdf = allpubs.set_index('year'). \
      join(international.set_index('year')). \
      join(domestic.set_index('year')). \

pubs international_count domestic_count internal_count
2021 13015 7212 5803 1585
2020 12183 6794 5389 1589
2019 11039 5948 5091 1584
2018 9954 5335 4619 1577
2017 9198 4669 4529 1541
2016 8281 4041 4240 1465
2015 7720 3697 4023 1450
2014 7184 3250 3934 1482
2013 6779 3000 3779 1480
2012 6030 2621 3409 1427
2011 5742 2367 3375 1494
2022 816 494 322 88
px.bar(jdf, title="University of Melbourne: publications collaboration")

7. How does this compare to Australia?

auallpubs = dsl.query("""

        search publications
            where research_org_countries.name= "Australia"
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
        return year


auallpubs.columns = ['all_count', 'year', ]

auintpubs = dsl.query("""

        search publications
            where research_org_countries.name= "Australia"
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
            and count(research_org_countries) > 1
        return year


auintpubs.columns = ['all_int_count', 'year', ]

audompubs = dsl.query("""

        search publications
            where research_org_countries.name= "Australia"
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
            and count(research_org_countries) = 1
        return year


audompubs.columns = [ 'all_dom_count', 'year',]

auinternalpubs = dsl.query("""

        search publications
            research_org_countries.name= "Australia"
            and count(research_orgs) = 1
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
        return year


auinternalpubs.columns = ['all_internal_count', 'year', ]

audf = auallpubs.set_index('year'). \
      join(auintpubs.set_index('year')). \
      join(audompubs.set_index('year')). \
      join(auinternalpubs.set_index('year')). \

px.bar(audf, title="Australia: publications collaboration")
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.73s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.72s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.58s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.60s

8. How does this compare to a different Institution (University of Toronto)?

institution = "grid.17063.33"

allpubs = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and year > 2010
        return year


allpubs.columns = ['pubs', 'year', ]

international = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_org_countries) > 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


international.columns = ['international_count', 'year', ]

domestic = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_org_countries) = 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


domestic.columns = ['domestic_count', 'year', ]

internal = dsl.query(f"""

        search publications
            where research_orgs.id = "{institution}"
            and type="article"
            and count(research_orgs) = 1
                 and year > 2010
        return year


internal.columns = ['internal_count', 'year', ]

jdf = allpubs.set_index('year'). \
      join(international.set_index('year')). \
      join(domestic.set_index('year')). \

px.bar(jdf, title="Univ. of Toronto: publications collaboration")

Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.56s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.59s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.61s
Returned Year: 12
Time: 0.56s

Want to learn more?

Check out the Dimensions API Lab website, which contains many tutorials and reusable Jupyter notebooks for scholarly data analytics.


The Dimensions Analytics API allows to carry out sophisticated research data analytics tasks like the ones described on this website. Check out also the associated Github repository for examples, the source code of these tutorials and much more.
