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Citation Analysis: Journals Citing a Research Organization

This notebook shows how to use the Dimensions Analytics API to discover what academic journals are most frequenlty citing publications from authors affiliation to a selected research organization. These are the steps:

  • We start from a GRID identifier (representing a research organization in Dimensions)

  • We then select all publications citing research where at least one author is/as affiliated to the GRID organization

  • Finally, we group this publications by source (journal) and analyse the findings

import datetime
print("==\nCHANGELOG\nThis notebook was last run on %s\n==" % datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
This notebook was last run on Jan 24, 2022

1. Prerequisites

This notebook assumes you have installed the Dimcli library and are familiar with the ‘Getting Started’ tutorial.

!pip install dimcli plotly tqdm -U --quiet

import dimcli
from dimcli.utils import *
import sys, json, time, os
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
if not 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  # make js dependecies local / needed by html exports
  from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode

print("==\nLogging in..")
# https://digital-science.github.io/dimcli/getting-started.html#authentication
ENDPOINT = "https://app.dimensions.ai"
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import getpass
  KEY = getpass.getpass(prompt='API Key: ')
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
  KEY = ""
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
dsl = dimcli.Dsl()

Searching config file credentials for 'https://app.dimensions.ai' endpoint..
Logging in..
Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (v0.9.6)
Connected to: <https://app.dimensions.ai/api/dsl> - DSL v2.0
Method: dsl.ini file

A couple of utilities to simplify exporting the results we find as CSV files:

# data-saving utils
DATAFOLDER = "extraction1"

if not os.path.exists(DATAFOLDER):
  !mkdir $DATAFOLDER
  print(f"==\nCreated data folder:", DATAFOLDER + "/")
def save_as_csv(df, save_name_without_extension):
    "usage: `save_as_csv(dataframe, 'filename')`"
    df.to_csv(f"{DATAFOLDER}/{save_name_without_extension}.csv", index=False)
    print("===\nSaved: ", f"{DATAFOLDER}/{save_name_without_extension}.csv")

2. Choose a Research Organization

For the purpose of this exercise, we will are going to use grid.471244.0. Feel free though to change the parameters below as you want, eg by choosing another GRID organization.

GRIDID = "grid.414299.3" #@param {type:"string"}

#@markdown The start/end year of publications used to extract patents
YEAR_START = 2000 #@param {type: "slider", min: 1950, max: 2020}
YEAR_END = 2016 #@param {type: "slider", min: 1950, max: 2020}


# gen link to Dimensions
def dimensions_url(grids):
    root = "https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication?or_facet_research_org="
    return root + "&or_facet_research_org=".join([x for x in grids])

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML('---<br /><a href="{}">Preview {} Dimensions &#x29c9;</a>'.format(dimensions_url([GRIDID]), GRIDID)))

3. Building a Publications Baseset

First we extract all publications where at least one of the authors is affiliated to GRID_ORG.

This will then let us query for citing publications using the reference_ids field (see the Dimensions API data model for more details).

publications = dsl.query_iterative(f"""
search publications
    where research_orgs.id = "{GRIDID}"
    and year in [{YEAR_START}:{YEAR_END}]
    return publications[id+title+doi+year]

# save the data
pubs_cited = publications.as_dataframe()
save_as_csv(pubs_cited, f"pubs_{GRIDID}")
Starting iteration with limit=1000 skip=0 ...
0-1000 / 2705 (1.21s)
1000-2000 / 2705 (0.88s)
2000-2705 / 2705 (0.68s)
Records extracted: 2705
Saved:  extraction1/pubs_grid.414299.3.csv

4. Extracting Publications Citing the Baseset

In the next step we extract all publications citing the publications previously extracted. This query will return JSON data which can be further analyzed e.g. to count the unique number of journals they were published in.


'publications': [
  {'journal': {'id': 'jour.1295784',
    'title': 'IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems'},
   'publisher': 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)',
   'year': 2018,
   'id': 'pub.1061542201',
   'issn': ['2379-8920', '2379-8939']},
  {'journal': {'id': 'jour.1043581', 'title': 'International Geology Review'},
   'publisher': 'Taylor & Francis',
   'year': 2018,
   'id': 'pub.1087302818',
   'issn': ['0020-6814', '1938-2839']}, etc..

This is the query template we use.

query_template = """search publications
                    where journal is not empty
                    and reference_ids in {}
                    return publications[id+journal+issn+year+publisher]"""

Note the {} part which is where we will put lists of publication IDs (from the previous extraction) during each iteration. This is to ensure our query is never too long (<400 IDs is a good way to ensure we never get an API error).

pubids = list(pubs_cited['id'])

# loop through all source-publications IDs in chunks and query Dimensions

print("===\nExtracting publications data ...")
results = []
VERBOSE = False # set to True to see extraction logs

for chunk in tqdm(list(chunks_of(pubids, BATCHSIZE))):
    query = query_template.format(json.dumps(chunk))
    data = dsl.query_iterative(query, verbose=VERBOSE)
    results += data.publications

# put the citing pub data into a dataframe, remove duplicates and save

pubs_citing = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(results)
print("===\nCiting Publications found: ", len(pubs_citing))
pubs_citing.drop_duplicates(subset='id', inplace=True)
print("Unique Citing Publications found: ", len(pubs_citing))

# split up nested journal columns into two columns
journals = pubs_citing['journal'].apply(pd.Series).rename(columns={"id": "journal.id", "title": "journal.title"})
pubs_citing = pd.concat([pubs_citing.drop(['journal'], axis=1), journals], axis=1)

# save
save_as_csv(pubs_citing, f"pubs_citing_{GRIDID}")

# preview the data
Extracting publications data ...
Citing Publications found:  64886
Unique Citing Publications found:  57991
Saved:  extraction1/pubs_citing_grid.414299.3.csv
id issn publisher year journal.id journal.title
0 pub.1144498077 [0016-2361, 1873-7153] Elsevier 2022 jour.1044923 Fuel
1 pub.1144184694 [0883-9417, 1532-8228] Elsevier 2022 jour.1097229 Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
2 pub.1142566480 [1746-8094, 1746-8108] Elsevier 2022 jour.1039070 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
3 pub.1144814981 [1664-1078] Frontiers 2022 jour.1044598 Frontiers in Psychology
4 pub.1144783633 [0140-0118, 1741-0444] Springer Nature 2022 jour.1005585 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
5 pub.1144777341 [0214-1582, 1578-1399] Elsevier 2022 jour.1107232 Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria
6 pub.1144781125 [2050-0068, 2050-0068] Wiley 2022 jour.1320607 Clinical & Translational Immunology
7 pub.1144764680 NaN Research Square Platform LLC 2022 jour.1380788 Research Square
8 pub.1144744277 [1661-6596, 1422-0067] MDPI 2022 jour.1028874 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
9 pub.1144706261 [1038-5282, 1440-1584] Wiley 2022 jour.1103707 Australian Journal of Rural Health

5. Journal Analysis

Finally, we can analyze the citing publications by grouping them by source journal. This can be achieved easily thanks to pandas’ Dataframe methods.

pandas is a popular Python software library for data manipulation and analysis

Number of Unique journals

count            57991
unique            7295
top       jour.1037553
freq               710
Name: journal.id, dtype: object

Most frequent journals

# count journals and rename columns
journals = pubs_citing['journal.title'].value_counts()
journals = journals.to_frame().reset_index().rename(columns= {"index": 'journal.title', 'journal.title': 'count'})
journals.index.name = 'index'

# save
save_as_csv(journals, f"top_journals_citing_{GRIDID}")

Saved:  extraction1/top_journals_citing_grid.414299.3.csv
journal.title count
0 PLOS ONE 710
1 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 342
2 World Journal of Gastroenterology 321
3 Scientific Reports 288
4 bioRxiv 286
... ... ...
95 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutr... 73
96 Emergency Medicine Australasia 72
97 Techniques in Coloproctology 72
98 BJU International 72
99 Intensive Care Medicine 71

100 rows × 2 columns

Top 100 journals chart

       x="journal.title", y="count",
       title=f"Top 100 journals citing publications from {GRIDID}")

Top 20 journals by year chart


THRESHOLD = 20 #@param {type: "slider", min: 10, max: 100} # suppress empty values pubs_citing.fillna("-no value-", inplace=True) # make publications list smaller by only showing top journals pubs_citing_topjournals = pubs_citing[pubs_citing['journal.title'].isin(list(journals[:THRESHOLD]['journal.title']))].sort_values('journal.title') # build histogram px.histogram(pubs_citing_topjournals, x="year", color="journal.title", title=f"Top {THRESHOLD} journals citing publications from {GRIDID} - by year")


The Dimensions Analytics API allows to carry out sophisticated research data analytics tasks like the ones described on this website. Check out also the associated Github repository for examples, the source code of these tutorials and much more.
