Welcome to the Dimensions API Lab!¶
This site contains a collection of open source Jupyter notebooks showing how to carry out common research data analytics tasks using the Dimensions Analytics API.
A companion Github repository including the source code for the notebooks is also available. The notebooks have been optimised so to work with Google Colab as well.
The Dimensions Analytics API is not intended for bulk data or to power dashboards or other derivative products. The purpose of the API is to help support complex analytical tasks that could not otherwise be achieved through use of the Dimensions platform. For more information see also the page about Reasonable Use
The Dimensions Analytics API is subscription-only, so your Dimensions account needs to be activated for this service and is subject to restrictions on use. Please get in touch to discuss the best option for you how to get access. For one-off academic research projects we can also grant free access to our APIs. Contact us
API Cookbooks¶
Getting Started
- Verifying Your API Connection
- The Dimcli Python library: Installation and Querying
- The Dimcli Python library: Working with Pandas Dataframes
- The Dimcli Python library: Magic Commands
- Exploring The Dimensions Search Language (DSL) - Quick Intro
- Exploring The Dimensions Search Language (DSL) - Deep Dive
- Working with lists in the Dimensions API
- Working with concepts in the Dimensions API
- General Publication Statistics about a Research Organization
- Citation Analysis: an Introduction
- Citation Analysis: Journals Citing a Research Organization
- Citation Analysis: Journals Cited by a Research Organization
- Extracting Authors order from Publications data
- Journal Profiling Part 1: Getting the Data
- Journal Profiling Part 2: Impact Metrics
- Journal Profiling Part 3: Funding
- Journal Profiling Part 4: Institutions
- Journal Profiling Part 5: Competing Journals Analysis
- Topic Modeling Analysis for a Set of Publications: Basic Workflow
- Building a concepts co-occurence network
- Rejected Article tracker
- Enriching Grants part 1: Matching your grants records to Dimensions
- Enriching Grants part 2: Adding Publications Information from Dimensions
- Enriching Grants part 3: adding related Patents and Clinical Trials data
- Identifying emerging topics in grants using ‘concepts’
- Getting all grants received by a list of researchers
Clinical Trials
- The Organizations API: Features Overview
- Identifying the Industry Collaborators of an Academic Institution
- Building an Organizations Collaboration Network Diagram
- Collaboration Patterns By Year (International, Domestic, Internal)
- Mapping GRID IDs to Organization Data
- Using Dimensions organization groups with the API
- Benchmarking organizations with the Dimensions API
Finding Out More¶
Find out more about the Dimensions API with the following resources:
The Dimensions Search Language official documentation is a must-read if you want to become an API guru.
The API Lab Github repository contains the source code for all the notebooks on this website, and more.
The Dimensions APIs homepage is the place to start from if you’ve never heard about Dimensions APIs.
See the CHANGELOG.md file on Github.