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Enriching Grants part 2: Adding Publications Information from Dimensions

In this tutorial we enrich a grants dataset by adding information about number of publications per grant. This information will then let us draw some interesting statistics about the impact of grants & funders from the point of view of research outputs.

This tutorial builds on the previous one, Matching your grants records to Dimensions, and it assumes that our grants list already includes Dimensions IDs for each grant.

The grants dataset we are starting from focuses on the broad topic of ‘vaccines’ and can be downloaded here.

import datetime
print("==\nCHANGELOG\nThis notebook was last run on %s\n==" % datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
This notebook was last run on Jan 25, 2022


This notebook assumes you have installed the Dimcli library and are familiar with the ‘Getting Started’ tutorial.

!pip install dimcli tqdm plotly -U --quiet

import dimcli
from dimcli.utils import *

import sys, time, json
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as progressbar

import plotly.express as px
if not 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  # make js dependecies local / needed by html exports
  from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode

print("==\nLogging in..")
# https://digital-science.github.io/dimcli/getting-started.html#authentication
ENDPOINT = "https://app.dimensions.ai"
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import getpass
  KEY = getpass.getpass(prompt='API Key: ')
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
  KEY = ""
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
dsl = dimcli.Dsl()
Searching config file credentials for 'https://app.dimensions.ai' endpoint..
Logging in..
Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (v0.9.6)
Connected to: <https://app.dimensions.ai/api/dsl> - DSL v2.0
Method: dsl.ini file

Reusing the sample grants data from part-1

First, we are going to load the sample grants dataset from part-1 of this tutorial: “vaccines-grants-sample-part-1.csv”.

grants = pd.read_csv("http://api-sample-data.dimensions.ai/data/vaccines-grants-sample-part-1.csv")

The dataset that was created in part-1 of this tutorial contains ~1000 grants. Even if we had more, the same steps descrived in what follows still apply (but of course it’ll take more time to extract and process the data).

# remove rows without a Dimensions ID
grants.dropna(subset=["Dimensions ID"], inplace=True)
grantsids = grants['Dimensions ID'].to_list()

Now we can preview the contents of the file.

Grant Number Title Funding Amount in USD Start Year End Year Funder Funder Country Dimensions ID
0 30410203277 疫苗-整体方案 1208.0 2004 2004 National Natural Science Foundation of China China grant.8172033
1 620792 Engineering Inhalable Vaccines 26956.0 2017 2018 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.7715379
2 599115 Engineering Inhalable Vaccines 26403.0 2016 2017 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.6962629
3 251564 HIV Vaccine research 442366.0 2003 2007 National Health and Medical Research Council Australia grant.6723913
4 334174 HIV Vaccine Development 236067.0 2005 2009 National Health and Medical Research Council Australia grant.6722306
5 910292 Dengue virus vaccine. 130890.0 1991 1993 National Health and Medical Research Council Australia grant.6716312
6 578221 Engineering Inhalable Vaccines 27386.0 2015 2016 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.5526688
7 IC18980360 Schistosomiasis Vaccine Network. 0.0 1998 2000 European Commission Belgium grant.3733803
8 7621798 Pneumococcal Ribosomal Vaccines 46000.0 1977 1980 Directorate for Biological Sciences United States grant.3274273
9 255890 Rational vaccine design 7138.0 2003 2004 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.2936015

Extracting linked Publications data from Dimensions

Tip: see the API data model page for more details on which relationships exist between publications, grants and the other Dimensions source types.

The generic query for extracting publications linked to a grant goes like this:

search publications
  where supporting_grant_ids in ['grant.3274273', 'grant.2936015', etc.. ]

This query is pretty straighforward. Note that, since we are extracting a merged list publications for several grants at the same time, we are including in the results the ‘supporting_grant_ids’ data (return publications[title+doi+year+supporting_grant_ids]). This will allow us to ‘disentangle’ the list later on so to know exactly how many publications are linked to each single grant.

Building a looped extraction

Since we are using the query above to extract linked publications for thousands of grants there are a few more things to keep in mind:

  • Grants IDs per query. In general, the API can handle up to 300-400 grants IDs per query. This is number isn’t set in stone though, but rather it should fine-tuned by trial and error, also considering the impact of the following points.

  • Query complexity. If the query contains many other constraints (ie where clauses) these will impact the query complexity/speed, hence indirectly the max number of grants IDs it can handle.

  • Response time. It’s always useful to keep an eye on the time it takes to get back results: for example, it may be more efficient to retrieve less grants per query and have more queries overall.

  • Total number of records. One should keep an eye on the overall number of records (= publications) coming back from a single query: if it’s up to 1000, one dsl.query statement is enough. If instead there are more than 1000 records, that means we need to add another inner loop to extract all the data, or use the dsl.query_iterative helper function.

# the main query
q = """search publications
          where supporting_grant_ids in {}
       return publications[title+doi+year+supporting_grant_ids]"""

# let's loop through all grants IDs in chunks and query Dimensions
results = []
for chunk in progressbar(list(chunks_of(list(grantsids), 200))):
    data = dsl.query_iterative(q.format(json.dumps(chunk)), verbose=False)
    results += data.publications

# put the data into a dataframe, remove duplicates and save
pubs = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(results)
print("Publications found: ", len(pubs))
pubs.drop_duplicates(subset='doi', inplace=True)
print("Unique publications found: ", len(pubs))
# turning lists into strings to ensure compatibility with CSV loaded data
# see also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23111990/pandas-dataframe-stored-list-as-string-how-to-convert-back-to-list
pubs['supporting_grant_ids'] = pubs['supporting_grant_ids'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(map(str, x)))
Publications found:  82027
Unique publications found:  78239

Let’s preview the publications data now:

doi supporting_grant_ids title year
0 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-21-3659 grant.9018788,grant.2438856,grant.2440246 Phase I trial combining chemokine-targeting wi... 2022
1 10.1093/jac/dkab490 grant.7751928,grant.2691196 Proximal tubular dysfunction in pregnant women... 2022
2 10.1038/s41375-021-01494-w grant.6499387,grant.8884725,grant.7073139 Inhibition of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP4... 2022
3 10.1016/s1470-2045(21)00718-x grant.3804391,grant.3536471,grant.3536478 Trastuzumab with trimodality treatment for oes... 2022
4 10.1080/2162402x.2021.2020983 grant.2440246,grant.7922722,grant.2438818,gran... Identification of Claudin 6-specific HLA class... 2022

Final step: grouping publications by grant

The publications dataset we obtained can be ‘turned inside out’ so that we have one row per grant, and information about how many publications are linked to it.

One approach is to use a simple function that from a grantID will return how many publications are related to it.

def pubs_for_grantid(grantid):
  global pubs
  return pubs[pubs['supporting_grant_ids'].str.contains(grantid)]

Using this function, we can loop through the original list of grants and calculate the tot number of pubs for each of them.

The results are then used to enrich the original table with one extra column called ‘pubs’.

l = []
for x in progressbar(grantsids):
grants['Resulting Publications'] = l

Let’s now preview the data:

# grants.to_csv("vaccines-grants-sample-part-2.csv", index=False)
Grant Number Title Funding Amount in USD Start Year End Year Funder Funder Country Dimensions ID Resulting Publications
0 30410203277 疫苗-整体方案 1208.0 2004 2004 National Natural Science Foundation of China China grant.8172033 0
1 620792 Engineering Inhalable Vaccines 26956.0 2017 2018 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.7715379 0
2 599115 Engineering Inhalable Vaccines 26403.0 2016 2017 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada grant.6962629 0
3 251564 HIV Vaccine research 442366.0 2003 2007 National Health and Medical Research Council Australia grant.6723913 0
4 334174 HIV Vaccine Development 236067.0 2005 2009 National Health and Medical Research Council Australia grant.6722306 1

Data Exploration

Now we can explore a bit the grants+publications dataset using the plotly express library.

Publications per grant by year and funding amount

       x="End Year", y="Resulting Publications",
       color="Funding Amount in USD",
       hover_data=['Dimensions ID', 'Start Year', 'End Year', 'Funder', 'Funder Country', "Grant Number"],
       title=f"Publications per grant")

Publications per grant by country

       x="Funder Country", y="Resulting Publications",
       color="End Year",
       hover_data=['Dimensions ID', 'Start Year', 'End Year', 'Funder', 'Funder Country'],
       title=f"Publications per grant")

Correlation of num of publications to grant length

px.scatter(grants.query('`Resulting Publications` > 0'),
           y="End Year", x="Start Year",
           size="Resulting Publications",
           color="Funder Country",
           hover_data=['Dimensions ID', 'Start Year', 'End Year', 'Funder', 'Funder Country'],
           title=f"Tot Publications vs grant length")
/Users/michele.pasin/Envs/jupyterlab/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/_testing.py:19: FutureWarning:

pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.

Publications by grant funder

funders = grants.query('`Resulting Publications` > 0')\
    .groupby(['Funder', 'Funder Country'], as_index=False)\
    .sum().sort_values(by=["Resulting Publications"], ascending=False)
       y="Resulting Publications", x="Funder",
       color="Funder Country",
       hover_data=['Funder', 'Funder Country'],

Publications by grant funder vs funding amount

           y="Resulting Publications", x="Funding Amount in USD",
           color="Funder Country",
           hover_data=['Funder', 'Funder Country'],


In this tutorial we have enriched a grants dataset on the topic of ‘vaccines’ by adding information about number of publications per grant. This information has let us draw some interesting statistics about the impact of grants & funders from the point of view of research outputs.

In the next tutorial we will continue the analysis by enriching the data also with patents and clinical trials information.


The Dimensions Analytics API allows to carry out sophisticated research data analytics tasks like the ones described on this website. Check out also the associated Github repository for examples, the source code of these tutorials and much more.
