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Using Dimensions organization groups with the API

This tutorial shows how use the organization groups in Dimensions (e.g. the funder groups) in order to construct API queries.

The Dimensions team maintains various organization groups definitions in the main Dimensions web application. These groups are not available directly via the API, but since they are a simple list of GRID identifiers, they can be easily downloaded as a CSV file. Once you have a CSV file, it is possible to parse it with Python and use its contents in an API query.


  1. Downloading Dimensions’ organization groups as a CSV file.

  2. Constructing API queries using a list of GRID IDs

import datetime
print("==\nCHANGELOG\nThis notebook was last run on %s\n==" % datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
This notebook was last run on Feb 21, 2022


This notebook assumes you have installed the Dimcli library and are familiar with the Getting Started tutorial.

!pip install dimcli plotly --quiet

import dimcli
from dimcli.utils import *
import json
import sys
import pandas as pd

print("==\nLogging in..")

ENDPOINT = "https://app.dimensions.ai"

if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import getpass
  KEY = getpass.getpass(prompt='API Key: ')
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
  KEY = ""

dsl = dimcli.Dsl()
Searching config file credentials for default 'live' instance..
Logging in..
Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (v0.9.6)
Connected to: <https://app.dimensions.ai/api/dsl/v2> - DSL v2.0
Method: dsl.ini file

1. Downloading groups data from Dimensions

This can be done in three simple steps, using the Dimensions web application:

  1. Go to the ‘Browse Groups’ area of Dimensions and open the group page you are interested in (eg this is the funder groups page).

  2. Use the ‘Copy to my Groups’ command to create a copy of that group in your personal space.

  3. Go to ‘My Groups’, where you can select ‘Export group definitions’ to download a CSV file containing the groups details including GRID IDs.

See below a screenshot of the Dimensions’ groups page.

NOTE if you have multiple groups in your personal area, you may want to edit out the ones you are not using via the API e.g. via Excel of some other CSV editor.

from IPython.display import Image
Image(url= "http://api-sample-data.dimensions.ai/data/funder-groups/dimensions-funder-groups-page.jpg", width=800)

2. Using group data with the API

For this part, we’ll be using a sample CSV export of NSF organizations.

We can load it with pandas as follows:

# load a CSV containing funder group infos, exported from Dimensions
data = pd.read_csv("http://api-sample-data.dimensions.ai/data/funder-groups/funder-groups-export-sample.csv")
Filter type Group Name ID
0 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Biological Sciences (NSF BIO) grid.457768.f
1 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Computer & Information Science... grid.457785.c
2 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Education & Human Resources (N... grid.457799.1
3 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Engineering (NSF ENG) grid.457810.f
4 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Geosciences (NSF GEO) grid.457836.b
5 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Scienc... grid.457875.c
6 Funder NSF-mine Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic ... grid.457916.8
7 Funder NSF-mine Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (NSF ... grid.457789.0
8 Funder NSF-mine Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environm... grid.457813.c
9 Funder NSF-mine Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing ... grid.457814.b
10 Funder NSF-mine Division of Earth Sciences (NSF EAR) grid.457842.8
11 Funder NSF-mine Division of Engineering Education & Centers (N... grid.457821.d
12 Funder NSF-mine Division of Environmental Biology (NSF DEB) grid.457772.4
13 Funder NSF-mine Division of Graduate Education (NSF DGE) grid.457801.f
14 Funder NSF-mine Division of Materials Research (NSF DMR) grid.457891.6
15 Funder NSF-mine Division of Mathematical Sciences (NSF DMS) grid.457892.5
16 Funder NSF-mine Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) grid.457845.f
17 Funder NSF-mine Division of Social and Economic Sciences (NSF ... grid.457922.f
18 Funder NSF-mine National Science Board (NSF NSB) grid.457896.1
19 Funder NSF-mine National Science Foundation (NSF) grid.431093.c
20 Funder NSF-mine Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management... grid.457758.c
21 Funder NSF-mine Office of Information and Resource Management ... grid.457907.8
22 Funder NSF-mine Office of Inspector General (OIG) grid.473792.c
23 Funder NSF-mine Office of Polar Programs (NSF PLR) grid.457846.c
24 Funder NSF-mine Office of the Director (NSF OD) grid.457898.f

Let’s get the GRID IDs for the NSF and put them into a Python list.

Then we can generate queries programmatically using this list.

For more background on this topic, see the Working with lists in the Dimensions API tutorial.

nsfgrids = data['ID'].to_list()

How many grants from the NSF?

Let’s try a simple API query that uses the contents of nsfgrids.

The total number of results should match what you see in Dimensions.

import json

query = f"""
search grants
    where funders.id in {json.dumps(nsfgrids)}
return grants[id+title]


grants = dsl.query(query)

search grants
    where funders.id in ["grid.457768.f", "grid.457785.c", "grid.457799.1", "grid.457810.f", "grid.457836.b", "grid.457875.c", "grid.457916.8", "grid.457789.0", "grid.457813.c", "grid.457814.b", "grid.457842.8", "grid.457821.d", "grid.457772.4", "grid.457801.f", "grid.457891.6", "grid.457892.5", "grid.457845.f", "grid.457922.f", "grid.457896.1", "grid.431093.c", "grid.457758.c", "grid.457907.8", "grid.473792.c", "grid.457846.c", "grid.457898.f"]
return grants[id+title]

Returned Grants: 20 (total = 601237)
Time: 2.03s
id title
0 grant.9752271 NNA Planning: Developing community frameworks ...
1 grant.9890102 RUI: Exciton-Phonon Interactions in Solids bas...
2 grant.9982417 CAREER: Empowering White-box Driven Analytics ...
3 grant.9982416 CAREER: Holistic Framework for Constructing Dy...
4 grant.9982395 CAREER: Leveraging physical properties of mode...
5 grant.9785674 BPC-AE Collaborative Research: Researching Equ...
6 grant.9785672 BPC-AE Collaborative Research: Researching Equ...
7 grant.9752397 Equitable Learning to Advance Technical Education
8 grant.9995499 CAREER: New imaging of mid-ocean ridge systems...
9 grant.9995464 CAREER: Reconstructing Parasite Abundance in R...
10 grant.9752334 Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Intelligent Dyn...
11 grant.9752333 Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Intelligent Dyn...
12 grant.9995542 CAREER: Learning Mechanisms from Single Cell M...
13 grant.9995538 CAREER: A Transformative Approach for Teaching...
14 grant.9995527 CAREER: Interlimb Neural Coupling to Enhance G...
15 grant.9995522 CAREER: Fossil Amber Insight Into Macroevoluti...
16 grant.9995520 2022 Origins of Life GRC and GRS: Environments...
17 grant.9995519 CAREER: Invariants and Entropy of Square Integ...
18 grant.9995488 CAREER: Statistical Learning from a Modern Per...
19 grant.9995470 CAREER: CAS- Climate: Making Decarbonization o...


The Dimensions Analytics API allows to carry out sophisticated research data analytics tasks like the ones described on this website. Check out also the associated Github repository for examples, the source code of these tutorials and much more.
