../../_images/badge-colab.svg ../../_images/badge-github-custom.svg

The Organizations API: Features Overview

This tutorial provides an overview of the Organizations data source available via the Dimensions Analytics API.

Organizations data in Dimensions is based on GRID - the Global Research Identifiers Database.

The topics covered in this notebook are:

  • How to align your affiliation data with GRID/Dimensions using the API disambiguation service

  • How to retrieve organizations metadata using the search fields available

  • How to use the schema API to obtain some statistics about the Organizations data available

import datetime
print("==\nCHANGELOG\nThis notebook was last run on %s\n==" % datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y'))
This notebook was last run on Jan 25, 2022


This notebook assumes you have installed the Dimcli library and are familiar with the ‘Getting Started’ tutorial.

!pip install dimcli tqdm plotly -U --quiet

import dimcli
from dimcli.utils import *

import json, sys, time
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as pbar
import plotly.express as px  # plotly>=4.8.1
if not 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  # make js dependecies local / needed by html exports
  from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode

print("==\nLogging in..")
# https://digital-science.github.io/dimcli/getting-started.html#authentication
ENDPOINT = "https://app.dimensions.ai"
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import getpass
  KEY = getpass.getpass(prompt='API Key: ')
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
  KEY = ""
  dimcli.login(key=KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
dsl = dimcli.Dsl()
Searching config file credentials for 'https://app.dimensions.ai' endpoint..
Logging in..
Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (v0.9.6)
Connected to: <https://app.dimensions.ai/api/dsl> - DSL v2.0
Method: dsl.ini file

1. Matching affiliation data to GRID IDs using extract_affiliations

The API function extract_affiliations (docs) can be used to enrich private datasets including non-disambiguated organizations data with Dimensions IDs, so to then take advantage of the wealth of linked data available in Dimensions.

For example, let’s assume our dataset has four columns (affiliation name, city, state and country) - any of which can be empty of course. Like this:

affiliations = [
                ['University of Nebraska–Lincoln', 'Lincoln', 'Nebraska', 'United States'],
                ['Tarbiat Modares University', 'Tehran', '', 'Iran'],
                ['Harvard University', 'Cambridge', 'Massachusetts', 'United States'],
                ['China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences', 'Beijing', '', 'China'],
                ['Liaoning University', 'Shenyang', '', 'China'],
                ['Liaoning Normal University', 'Dalian', '', 'China'],
                ['P.G. Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Junnar 410502, Pune, India.', '', '', ''],
                ['Sungkyunkwan University', 'Seoul', '', 'South Korea'],
                ['Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology', 'Pune', '', 'India'],
                ['Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INEM), INSERM U1151-CNRS UMR8253, Université de Paris, Faculté de Médecine, 156 rue de Vaugirard, 75730 Paris Cedex 15, France', '', '', '']

We want to look up GRID identifiers for those affiliations using the structured affiliation matching.

for d in pbar(affiliations):
    res = dsl.query(f"""extract_affiliations(name="{d[0]}", city="{d[1]}", state="{d[2]}", country="{d[3]}")""")
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 5072006, 'name': 'Lincoln'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'US', 'geonames_id': 6252001, 'name': 'United States'}], 'states': [{'code': 'US-NE', 'geonames_id': 5073708, 'name': 'Nebraska'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Lincoln', 'country': 'United States', 'name': 'University of Nebraska–Lincoln', 'state': 'Nebraska'}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Lincoln', 'country': 'United States', 'id': 'grid.24434.35', 'name': 'University of Nebraska–Lincoln', 'state': 'Nebraska'}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 112931, 'name': 'Tehran'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'IR', 'geonames_id': 130758, 'name': 'Iran'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 110791, 'name': 'Tehran'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Tehran', 'country': 'Iran', 'name': 'Tarbiat Modares University', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Tehran', 'country': 'Iran', 'id': 'grid.412266.5', 'name': 'Tarbiat Modares University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 4931972, 'name': 'Cambridge'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'US', 'geonames_id': 6252001, 'name': 'United States'}], 'states': [{'code': 'US-MA', 'geonames_id': 6254926, 'name': 'Massachusetts'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Cambridge', 'country': 'United States', 'name': 'Harvard University', 'state': 'Massachusetts'}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Cambridge', 'country': 'United States', 'id': 'grid.38142.3c', 'name': 'Harvard University', 'state': 'Massachusetts'}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1816670, 'name': 'Beijing'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2038349, 'name': 'Beijing'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Beijing', 'country': 'China', 'name': 'China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Beijing', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.410318.f', 'name': 'China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 2034937, 'name': 'Shenyang'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2036115, 'name': 'Liaoning'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Shenyang', 'country': 'China', 'name': 'Liaoning University', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Shenyang', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.411356.4', 'name': 'Liaoning University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1814087, 'name': 'Dalian'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2036115, 'name': 'Liaoning'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Dalian', 'country': 'China', 'name': 'Liaoning Normal University', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Dalian', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.440818.1', 'name': 'Liaoning Normal University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [], 'countries': [], 'states': []}, 'input': {'city': '', 'country': '', 'name': 'P.G. Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Junnar 410502, Pune, India.', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': []}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1835848, 'name': 'Seoul'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'KR', 'geonames_id': 1835841, 'name': 'South Korea'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 1835847, 'name': 'Seoul'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Seoul', 'country': 'South Korea', 'name': 'Sungkyunkwan University', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Seoul', 'country': 'South Korea', 'id': 'grid.264381.a', 'name': 'Sungkyunkwan University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1259229, 'name': 'Pune'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'IN', 'geonames_id': 1269750, 'name': 'India'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 1264418, 'name': 'Maharashtra'}]}, 'input': {'city': 'Pune', 'country': 'India', 'name': 'Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Pune', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'grid.494569.3', 'name': 'Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}
{'results': [{'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 2988507, 'name': 'Paris'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'FR', 'geonames_id': 3017382, 'name': 'France'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 3012874, 'name': 'Ile-de-France'}]}, 'input': {'city': '', 'country': '', 'name': 'Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INEM), INSERM U1151-CNRS UMR8253, Université de Paris, Faculté de Médecine, 156 rue de Vaugirard, 75730 Paris Cedex 15, France', 'state': ''}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Paris', 'country': 'France', 'id': 'grid.508487.6', 'name': 'University of Paris', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}

If we combine the affiliation data into a single long string, we can also perform the same king of operation using the unstructured affiliation matching.

# implicit results
for d in pbar(affiliations):
    merged = f"{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]} {d[3]}"
    res = dsl.query(f"""extract_affiliations(affiliation="{merged}")""")
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln Nebraska United States'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln Nebraska United States', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 5072006, 'name': 'Lincoln'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'US', 'geonames_id': 6252001, 'name': 'United States'}], 'states': [{'code': 'US-NE', 'geonames_id': 5073708, 'name': 'Nebraska'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Lincoln', 'country': 'United States', 'id': 'grid.24434.35', 'name': 'University of Nebraska–Lincoln', 'state': 'Nebraska'}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Tarbiat Modares University Tehran  Iran'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Tarbiat Modares University Tehran Iran', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 112931, 'name': 'Tehran'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'IR', 'geonames_id': 130758, 'name': 'Iran'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 110791, 'name': 'Tehran'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Tehran', 'country': 'Iran', 'id': 'grid.412266.5', 'name': 'Tarbiat Modares University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts United States'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts United States', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 4931972, 'name': 'Cambridge'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'US', 'geonames_id': 6252001, 'name': 'United States'}], 'states': [{'code': 'US-MA', 'geonames_id': 6254926, 'name': 'Massachusetts'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Cambridge', 'country': 'United States', 'id': 'grid.38142.3c', 'name': 'Harvard University', 'state': 'Massachusetts'}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Beijing  China'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Beijing China', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1816670, 'name': 'Beijing'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2038349, 'name': 'Beijing'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Beijing', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.410318.f', 'name': 'China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Liaoning University Shenyang  China'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Liaoning University Shenyang China', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 2034937, 'name': 'Shenyang'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2036115, 'name': 'Liaoning'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Shenyang', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.411356.4', 'name': 'Liaoning University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Liaoning Normal University Dalian  China'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Liaoning Normal University Dalian China', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1814087, 'name': 'Dalian'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'CN', 'geonames_id': 1814991, 'name': 'China'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 2036115, 'name': 'Liaoning'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Dalian', 'country': 'China', 'id': 'grid.440818.1', 'name': 'Liaoning Normal University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'P.G. Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Junnar 410502, Pune, India.   '}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'P.G. Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Junnar 410502, Pune, India', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1259229, 'name': 'Pune'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'IN', 'geonames_id': 1269750, 'name': 'India'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 1264418, 'name': 'Maharashtra'}]}, 'institutes': []}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Sungkyunkwan University Seoul  South Korea'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Sungkyunkwan University Seoul South Korea', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1835848, 'name': 'Seoul'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'KR', 'geonames_id': 1835841, 'name': 'South Korea'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 1835847, 'name': 'Seoul'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Seoul', 'country': 'South Korea', 'id': 'grid.264381.a', 'name': 'Sungkyunkwan University', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology Pune  India'}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology Pune India', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 1259229, 'name': 'Pune'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'IN', 'geonames_id': 1269750, 'name': 'India'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 1264418, 'name': 'Maharashtra'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Pune', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'grid.494569.3', 'name': 'Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}
{'results': [{'input': {'affiliation': 'Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INEM), INSERM U1151-CNRS UMR8253, Université de Paris, Faculté de Médecine, 156 rue de Vaugirard, 75730 Paris Cedex 15, France   '}, 'matches': [{'affiliation_part': 'Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INEM), INSERM U1151-CNRS UMR8253, Université de Paris, Faculté de Médecine, 156 rue de Vaugirard, 75730 Paris Cedex 15, France', 'geo': {'cities': [{'geonames_id': 2988507, 'name': 'Paris'}], 'countries': [{'code': 'FR', 'geonames_id': 3017382, 'name': 'France'}], 'states': [{'code': None, 'geonames_id': 3012874, 'name': 'Ile-de-France'}]}, 'institutes': [{'institute': {'city': 'Paris', 'country': 'France', 'id': 'grid.508487.6', 'name': 'University of Paris', 'state': None}, 'metadata': {'requires_manual_review': False}}]}]}]}

NOTE: the above commands also support bulk querying e.g. to save up API queries - check out the docs for more info.

2. Searching GRID organizations

This can be done using full text search and/or fielded search.

Returning facets

search organizations
  for "new york"
return country_name
Returned Country_name: 10
Time: 0.52s
count id
0 238 United States
1 1 Albania
2 1 Canada
3 1 China
4 1 Czechia
5 1 France
6 1 Italy
7 1 South Korea
8 1 United Arab Emirates
9 1 United Kingdom
search organizations
  for "new york"
  where country_name = "United States"
return types
Returned Types: 8
Time: 0.61s
count id
0 72 Education
1 59 Nonprofit
2 39 Government
3 29 Other
4 22 Healthcare
5 9 Archive
6 5 Facility
7 3 Company

Returning organizations facets from publications

The GRID organization data is used thoughout Dimensions.

So, for example, one can do a publications search and return organizations as a facet. This allows to take advantage of GRID metadata - e.g. latiture and longitude - in order to quickly build a geograpical visualization.

q = """
search publications for "coronavirus OR covid-19"
    where year > 2019
return research_orgs[basics] limit 50

df = dslquery(q).as_dataframe()
Returned Research_orgs: 50
Time: 1.26s
city_name count country_name id latitude linkout longitude name state_name types acronym
0 Cambridge 9846 United States grid.38142.3c 42.377052 [http://www.harvard.edu/] -71.116650 Harvard University Massachusetts [Education] NaN
1 Oxford 5900 United Kingdom grid.4991.5 51.753437 [http://www.ox.ac.uk/] -1.254010 University of Oxford Oxfordshire [Education] NaN
2 Toronto 5519 Canada grid.17063.33 43.661667 [http://www.utoronto.ca/] -79.395000 University of Toronto Ontario [Education] NaN
3 Baltimore 5289 United States grid.21107.35 39.328888 [https://www.jhu.edu/] -76.620280 Johns Hopkins University Maryland [Education] JHU
4 London 5232 United Kingdom grid.83440.3b 51.524470 [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/] -0.133982 University College London NaN [Education] UCL
fig = px.scatter_geo(df,
                     lat="latitude", lon="longitude",
                     projection="natural earth",
                     hover_data=['city_name', 'id', 'types']

3. A closer look at the organizations data statistics

The Dimensions Search Language exposes programmatically metadata, such as supported sources and entities, along with their fields, facets, fieldsets, metrics and search fields.

%dsldocs organizations
sources field type description is_filter is_entity is_facet
0 organizations acronym string GRID acronym of the organization. E.g., "UT" f... True False False
1 organizations city_name string GRID name of the organization country. E.g., "... True False True
2 organizations cnrs_ids string CNRS IDs for this organization True False False
3 organizations country_name string GRID name of the organization country. E.g., "... True False True
4 organizations dimensions_url string Link pointing to the Dimensions web application False False False
5 organizations established integer Year when the organization was estabilished True False False
6 organizations external_ids_fundref string Fundref IDs for this organization True False False
7 organizations hesa_ids string HESA IDs for this organization True False False
8 organizations id string GRID ID of the organization. E.g., "grid.26999... True False False
9 organizations isni_ids string ISNI IDs for this organization True False False
10 organizations latitude float None False False False
11 organizations linkout string None False False False
12 organizations longitude float None False False False
13 organizations name string GRID name of the organization. E.g., "Universi... True False False
14 organizations nuts_level1_code string Level 1 code for this organization, based on `... True False True
15 organizations nuts_level1_name string Level 1 name for this organization, based on `... True False True
16 organizations nuts_level2_code string Level 2 code for this organization, based on `... True False True
17 organizations nuts_level2_name string Level 2 name for this organization, based on `... True False True
18 organizations nuts_level3_code string Level 3 code for this organization, based on `... True False True
19 organizations nuts_level3_name string Level 3 name for this organization, based on `... True False True
20 organizations organization_child_ids string Child organization IDs True False False
21 organizations organization_parent_ids string Parent organization IDs True False False
22 organizations organization_related_ids string Related organization IDs True False False
23 organizations orgref_ids string OrgRef IDs for this organization True False False
24 organizations redirect string GRID ID of an organization this one was redire... True False False
25 organizations ror_ids string ROR IDs for this organization True False False
26 organizations state_name string GRID name of the organization country. E.g., "... True False True
27 organizations status string Status of an organization. May be be one of:\n... True False True
28 organizations types string Type of an organization. Available types inclu... True False True
29 organizations ucas_ids string UCAS IDs for this organization True False False
30 organizations ukprn_ids string UKPRN IDs for this organization True False False
31 organizations wikidata_ids string WikiData IDs for this organization True False False
32 organizations wikipedia_url string Wikipedia URL False False False

We can use the fields information above to draw up some quick statistics re. the organizations source.

In order to do this, we use the operator is not empty to generate automatically queries like this search organizations where field_name is not empty return organizations limit 1 and then use the total_count field in the JSON we get back for our statistics.

FIELDS_DATA = dsl_last_results

# one query with `is not empty` for field-filters
q_template = """search organizations where {} is not empty return organizations[id] limit 1"""

# seed results with total number of orgs
totorgs = dsl.query("""search organizations return organizations[id] limit 1""", verbose=False).count_total
stats = [
    {'filter_by': 'All Organizations (no filter)', 'results' : totorgs}

for index, row in pbar(list(FIELDS_DATA.iterrows())):
    # print("\n===", row['field'])
    q = q_template.format(row['field'], row['field'])
    res = dsl.query(q, verbose=False)
    stats.append({'filter_by': row['field'], 'results' : res.count_total})

# save to a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(stats)
df.sort_values("results", inplace=True, ascending=False)
filter_by results
0 All Organizations (no filter) 107202
5 dimensions_url 107202
14 name 107202
9 id 107202
28 status 107202
4 country_name 104670
2 city_name 104598
29 types 104428
11 latitude 103357
13 longitude 103357
26 ror_ids 103263
12 linkout 102383
6 established 90925
10 isni_ids 50018
32 wikidata_ids 47950
1 acronym 41954
27 state_name 38081
33 wikipedia_url 36158
18 nuts_level2_name 34031
19 nuts_level3_code 34031
20 nuts_level3_name 34031
16 nuts_level1_name 34031
15 nuts_level1_code 34031
17 nuts_level2_code 34031
24 orgref_ids 14997
22 organization_parent_ids 14525
7 external_ids_fundref 10199
25 redirect 4369
21 organization_child_ids 4262
23 organization_related_ids 4255
3 cnrs_ids 839
31 ukprn_ids 173
8 hesa_ids 172
30 ucas_ids 153

Let’s visualize the data with plotly

px.bar(df, x="filter_by", y="results",
       title="Fields distribution for GRID data")

Where to find out more

Please have a look at the official documentation for more information on the GRID source.


The Dimensions Analytics API allows to carry out sophisticated research data analytics tasks like the ones described on this website. Check out also the associated Github repository for examples, the source code of these tutorials and much more.
